The book published today under the name “The Book of the Prophet Enoch” was first found in a cave in Abyssinia (now Ethiopia) by James Bruce in 1773. The name Enoch is Hebrew and is the same as the name Hanok. For this reason, it is also known as the “Book of Hanok”. There are two different copies of this book. One was found in a monastery in Russia and preserved in Slavic. Its name is “The Book of the Secrets of Enoch”. The second book is the “Book of Enoch” found by James Bruce. Enoch is a Hebrew word and is mentioned in the Bible (Tanakh). However, this book is not mentioned in the Bible. We know that around 90 AD it was determined which religious texts would be included in the Bible. However, there is no “Book of Enoch” among them. It is not known exactly when the Book of Enoch was written. However, according to what is said in the book, it is understood that it was written before Noah’s flood. In this case, why was this book lost or abandoned? The answer to this is unclear. However, it can be assumed that the exclusion of this book may have been due to the many issues that the Jewish clergy did not like. Since the various references in the book disturbed the religious circles of the time, they were later removed from the collection of sacred texts by Constantine I, who considered them to be apocryphal and had them lost. It was also completely removed from the Torah at the First Council of Nicaea (325). As a result of the research conducted on the Book of Enoch, it is understood that it was not written by just one person and that different people made additions to the book in the following years. It is thought that the original language of the book was Aramaic.
Qumran Inscriptions The Qumran inscriptions are also important in terms of proving the authenticity of the Book of Enoch. The inscriptions that follow the Qumran inscriptions are also known as the Dead Sea Scrolls. Some of these inscriptions were written in Hebrew and some in Aramaic, a dead language. It consists of 40,000 manuscript fragments written on parchment, leather or copper plates. When these fragments were brought together, exactly 500 books were created. The Qumran inscriptions are one of the oldest known written sources of Judaism and Christianity. In February or March 1947, a young shepherd named Muhammad Ahmed el Hamit was walking on the hill on the west side of the Qumran valley, 13 km south of Jericho, in search of his lost goat. He saw a hole in this hill, threw a stone down and heard the sound of the jug breaking and went down to the cave. On the floor of the cave, he found large jugs containing leather manuscripts wrapped in linen cloth. Since the mouths of the jugs were tightly closed, the manuscripts were able to remain intact for approximately 1900 years. The findings show that these manuscripts were placed in the cave in 68 AD. As a result of the excavations carried out between 1952-1956, these manuscripts were found in a total of 11 caves in this region. Among the Qumran inscriptions, texts belonging to the Book of Enoch were also found. It is expected that these texts influenced the Essenes living in Qumran and made a significant contribution to the religious beliefs and practices of this community. However, since the Book of Enoch contains many subjects that do not coincide with other holy books, it may have disturbed the Jews and Christians. For this reason, it is easy to understand why it was removed from the Bible and burned towards the end of the 3rd century AD. However, it is understood that this book was not completely destroyed and some parts were found. It is thought that these parts constitute the remaining parts of the Book of Enoch.
A Look at the Book of Enoch from an Islamic Perspective The statements in the Book of Enoch have led to the question of whether Enoch was a true prophet. Is the content of the book a revelation? When the chapters of the book are examined, it is seen that there are parts that are consistent with the Islamic religion and parts that are not. Since there are issues in the book that do not comply with Islam, Enoch's book does not have a divine feature. In other words, the entire book was not revealed to Enoch through revelation. All these raise the question of whether Enoch was a true prophet. When the entire book is considered, it is difficult to say that Enoch was a prophet. However, it is possible that Enoch's book was distorted by the Israelites and many imaginary and egoistic things were inserted into it. Because the Israelites have always done this throughout history. All the distortions in the Torah and Talmud are due to this reason. We will discuss some of the statements in Enoch's book below that we find important.
1:2. "I heard everything from the angels. These were not shown to the generation of this time, and that people have not yet come. They were shown to a distant people who will belong to the chosen ones." Here, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his community may be mentioned.
1:4,5,6. "God will step on Mount Sinai and appear with the power of the heavens. Everyone will be shaken with fear. Even the Watchers (Angels) will tremble. The fear and trembling will continue until the end of the world. The high mountains will shake, the high hills will melt like wax. The earth will be broken into pieces and everything on it will be destroyed. Everyone, including the righteous, will be put through judgment.” These statements describe what will happen on the Day of Judgment and are consistent with Islamic belief.
6:1-11. “Look at the trees bearing fruit. Understand what He has done for you, which has no end. His works continue from the beginning of the year and without change. Just as God has commanded, so do all things happen. The waters and the rivers do not go beyond His command. But you did not wait patiently and did not keep God’s commandments. You have transgressed, you have sinned, and with your filthy mouths you have slandered His glory. You, hard-hearted ones, will not know peace. You will hate your days as much as you can. The years of your life will pass quickly. Your time of destruction will be strengthened by relentless hatred, and you will never find peace. In those days your names will be an everlasting hatred to all the righteous. All those who curse will curse you in your name. All sinners will curse you. But for the chosen there will be light, joy and peace. The world will remain for them. But for you there will be no salvation. A curse will surround you all. Wisdom will be given to the chosen. They will all live and never sin again in injustice or pride.” Here it is stated that everything in the universe is the work of Allah. It is stated that after the apocalypse, those who deny Allah will be punished and those who believe will live in peace. These expressions are consistent with the religion of Islam.
7:1,2. “When the sons of men increased in number, they had beautiful daughters. The angels, the children of the heavens, saw them and began to lust after them. They said to each other, ‘Come, let us choose wives from among the people and have children from them.’” These expressions are wrong and do not comply with the Islamic faith. Because angels were created from light and they do not have lust. They are responsible only for carrying out Allah’s commands.
7:11-13. “Then women became pregnant and gave birth to giants that were 135 meters tall. Eventually, people could no longer feed them, and these giants consumed everything that people produced. And the giants began to eat people.” This information is wrong and does not comply with Islam. It is known that giant-bodied animals once lived on earth. However, there is no revelation about how they reproduced and how they later became extinct. It is estimated that these giant-bodied animals became extinct as a result of some very large natural events, such as earthquakes and floods. It is known that once upon a time, thousands of years before Christ, people who were 4-5 meters tall lived on earth. The spirits of these people have also been encountered in Istanbul. In some spiritual discoveries, the spirits of people of this height have been interviewed. However, these very tall people are the real children of women. Like all people, they died when their time came. The attributions in the book of Enoch that these giant-bodied beings were born to women are completely the result of people’s imaginations and do not reflect the truth. Because only human babies can be born from humans. Therefore, the entirety of Enoch’s book does not have a divine feature. The emphasis on sexuality here is a result of the habits of the Israelites. Because it is witnessed in the Talmud how the Israelites wrote about perverted sexual ideas. In this context, the sexual relations of angels with women are mentioned in many places in the book of Enoch. This issue is completely opposite to a book having a divine feature. The same applies to other religious books of Judaism. It is not acceptable for sexuality to be described in such a way that will excite people, in an open and obscene manner in divine and religious books. These issues are not divine, but are only mentioned in these religious books as a result of the pleasure of the human soul. This is a completely unacceptable issue from the perspective of Islam. Those who do these will be punished for what they did in the hereafter.
16:2-5. “Say to those Watchers who sent you to make known their desires and who once dwelt in the heavens: Yes, you were once in the heavens, but not all the secrets were revealed to you. What you have learned is only worthless things. With your hard-heartedness you taught these to women, and women and men do much evil in the world with those mysteries. Therefore, you will never find peace.” Here it is written that angels taught people some secrets such as magic. With these teachings, people have done much evil in the world. It is also written in the Quran that two angels named Harut and Marut taught people magic. However, before teaching them, these angels say that this is a bad thing and will make a person an unbeliever. There is a difference with Enoch’s book here, and for this reason, the interpretation in the book of Enoch does not coincide with the Islamic understanding. Because it is clear in Islam that Harut and Marut did not do these things with evil intentions. However, in the book of Enoch, it is stated that these were taught people as intentionally. This is contrary to the understanding of Islam. Islamic Scholar Ismail Hakký Bursevi (1653-1715) says the following on this subject in his book “Ruhu’l-Bayan Tefsiri”: “These two angels descended to a place called Iraq Babylon in the lands of Kufa. They are named Harut and Marut. All the stories told about these two angels, such as them drinking alcohol, shedding blood, committing adultery, killing people and worshipping idols, are baseless and have no basis. These were completely fabricated by the Jews. Moreover, this is contrary to the truth both in terms of reason and narration. Because there is no such thing in angels.” Islamic Scholar Fahrettin Razi (1150-1210) also says the following: “The wisdom in the descent of these two angels is as follows: Magicians listened to the devils and took things from them, then they spread these things they stole from them among the people. For this reason, Allah sent down those two angels to the earth to teach the people the quality of magic, because they resembled the revelation sent down to the prophets. In this way, they would be able to see the difference between the word of Allah and the words of the magicians.” These angels, Harut and Marut, said, “We are only a means of testing.” They said, “Whoever acts upon what he has learned from us and believes it to be true will disbelieve. But whoever abstains from acting upon it will remain in faith.” They did not teach anyone anything until they said, “Do not disbelieve, believing that it is true and that it is necessary to act upon it.” (Al-Baqarah, 2/107).
22:1-5,9-15. “From there I went to a mountain of hard rock. In the mountain were four caves, deep and wide and very flat. How flat, deep and dark were the caves. Raphael, one of the archangels, who was standing next to me, said to me, “These caves are for the gathering of souls, the souls of the dead. That all the souls of the sons of men may be gathered here. These places are for them to stay until the day of judgment, until their appointed time. Until the day of the great judgment…” “Then I asked a question about all those caves. Why are they separate from each other? “These three separate sections are for separating the souls of the dead. One of the caves was made for the souls of the just. There is water and light in that cave. Another cave is for the sinners who died and were buried in the earth and who were not judged during their lives. Their souls will be separated here and will be kept in great pain until the great day of judgment, punishment and torment. It has existed since the beginning of the world. God will imprison them here for the punishment of their souls. And this section is for those who were killed in the time of the sinners, who cried out and cried out for their destruction. Such a section was created for those who were not just, who were sinners, who were involved in all crimes and were with the criminals. Their souls will not be destroyed on the day of judgment, nor will they be taken out of here,” he replied.” These statements are contrary to the Islamic belief. Because according to Islam, the souls of the deceased are above the graves where they are buried. If the person has earned the afterlife, they are set free, they can roam the world as they wish, and they can visit their children and relatives. The souls of those who have more bad deeds are imprisoned in their graves and cannot go anywhere. In fact, there are those who are imprisoned in their graves so much that they cannot see anything around them. They live a solitary prison life in this closed place until the Day of Judgment, when they will be resurrected and exiled to the Day of Judgment. These facts are the information expressed in the hadiths of the Prophet (pbuh) and conveyed to people through discovery by Islamic scholars. This information does not match what is told in Enoch's book.
31:1-5. I said, "How beautiful this tree is and how attractive its appearance is!" The great angel Raphael, who was with me, replied, "This is the tree of knowledge. Your ancient father and mother ate the fruit of this tree before you and learned wisdom. Yes, their eyes were opened, they realized that they were naked, and so they were driven out of the garden.” Here it is explained that Hazrat Adam (pbuh) and his wife became naked because they ate a forbidden fruit in Paradise. As a result, it is stated that Hazrat Adam and his wife were driven out of Paradise. These matters are also mentioned in the Quran, but it is not mentioned in Islamic sources that the tree of the fruit they ate was the Tree of Knowledge. There is no clear information about the type and characteristics of this tree in Islamic sources. Therefore, this section of the book of Enoch does not fully comply with Islamic belief.
32:1-4. “From here I went to the ends of the earth. There I saw great creatures, all different from each other, and I saw birds, all different in appearance and voice. I saw the ends of the earth to the east of those creatures.” Here Enoch says that he saw the ends of the earth. No divine book says that the earth is flat. The Quran also clearly states that the earth is round. This mistake actually stems from the belief of the people of that time that the earth was flat. These thoughts are also reflected in the book of Enoch.
43:1-2. “I saw another glorious thing and the stars of heaven…I asked the angel who came with me and showed me the secrets. “What are these?” “The Lord of the Spirits has shown you a picture of them. These are the names of the great ones who live on earth and believe in the name of the Lord of the Spirits forever,” he said.” This is also true from the perspective of Islam. Because the friends of Allah, His saintly servants, are stars. There is a hadith about this: “My companions are like stars, whichever one you follow, you will be rightly guided.”
64:1-11. “And in those days Noah saw that the world was submerged and that destruction was near, and he left there and went to the other side of the world and called out to his grandfather Enoch three times with a voice of compassion: Hear me! Hear me! Hear me! Tell me what has been poured out on the earth and why the world is in such a bad state. Or I think I will perish with it!... Then my grandfather Enoch took my hand and raised it and said, “I asked the Lord of the Spirits about the state of the world. Their decision has been made because of their injustice, and it will never be reversed. Because of the sorcery they have studied and learned, the world and those who live on it will be destroyed. There will be no shelter for them forever, because they have revealed what is hidden and they will be judged. But regarding you, my son, the God of Spirits knows that you are pure and free from crimes concerning these secrets. He has planned for your name to be among the great. He will protect you among those who live on earth and will give power and glory to your seed of justice. And your seed will be a fountain of the righteous and the great forever.” What is narrated here is about the flood of Noah, and the same things are mentioned in the Quran. It is understood that Allah Almighty decided to destroy people because of their deviation from the path and their involvement in all kinds of evil at that time. Only some relatives of Noah (pbuh) and a few believers who believed in him were saved. After the flood, people increased from the three sons of Noah (pbuh).
68:14-16. “People were created like angels so that they might remain upright and pure, and death, which destroys all things, should not touch them. But now they perish because of their knowledge, and this power consumes them.” According to Islam, death and life were created to test which of us would do the best deeds (Al-Mulk, 67/2). This contradicts what is explained above.
70:1. “Then my spirit was taken and raised to the heavens.” This expression is used in the Quran for Hazrat Idris (pbuh) and Hazrat Isa (pbuh). Since he lived before Noah (pbuh), it is possible that it is mentioned here Hazrat Idris who was raised to the heavens. This also gives rise to the idea that Enoch is the same person as Hazrat Idris.
79:3-8,9. “The years will be shortened in the days of the sinners. Their seeds will be delayed in their lands and in their fields. Everything in the world will change! Nothing will seem in its time. The rain will not be sent down; the heavens will hold back the rain. At that time, the development of the fruits of the world will be hindered. They will not grow in their time. The trees will not bear fruit in their time. The moon will change its order and will not be seen in its time. The sun will be seen in those days but will travel in the great chariot in the west in the evening. It will shine brighter than its normal light. Many leaders of the stars will disrupt their order. They will change their orbits and their duties. They will not be seen in their time, all the constellations will be silent about the sinners and the people of the world will be mistaken in their ideas about them. They will change their attitudes. They will be mistaken and will think of themselves as gods. Evil will increase from them and punishment will rain down on them and destroy them all.” These expressions refer to the end times close to the apocalypse. It is known in Islamic belief that many negativities related to the end times will emerge.
80:1-3. “Uriel said to me, Enoch, look at this distilled book, read what is written on it and understand everything. I looked at everything written on it, read and understand everything written on it. Then I read the book of the history of mankind, which is the record of all the people in the world throughout all generations.” This book reminds me of the “Preserved Tablet” in the Islamic faith. The fate of the entire universe and people and the history of all the events that will happen are written in the Preserved Tablet.
After this in the book, Enoch compares the just with the sinners and gives advice to the people. These are also accepted in terms of the Islamic religion. I am stating some of them below: 96:1,2 “O you who are just, believe that on the day of injustice the sinners will be disgraced and destroyed. Know, sinners, that the Most High is looking to your destruction and the angels of heaven will take pleasure in your destruction. When you hear the voice of the just on the day of judgment, what will you do, sinners, and where will you flee?”
96:6,7,8. “Woe to you, sinners in the sea and on the land! Your life and your memories are full of evil. Woe to you who have acquired silver and gold by unjust means! Woe to you! "We have become rich, we have treasures, we have obtained everything we wanted. Now we can do what we planned, for we have stored up much silver and we have many slaves in our houses. Our storehouses are as thick as water, your lies will be scattered like water, and your wealth will suddenly leave you. You have acquired everything by wrong, and therefore you will find a great curse.”
97:1,2,3,8,12. “Woe to you, you who are corrupters and notorious liars! You will be ruined, and you will not live a virtuous life. Woe to those who pervert the words of righteousness, who transgress the everlasting law, who transform themselves into what they are not! They will be trodden underfoot. Idolaters who make carved images of gold, silver, wood, stone, and clay, and who worship unclean spirits, evil angels, and all kinds of idolatrous gods, even though they are ignorant of them. Because of the foolishness of their hearts they will be partners in the crime. The fear of their hearts and the visions of their dreams will blind their eyes. Because of these they will become deceitful and paranoid. They have based all their works on a lie, worshiping a stone. Therefore they will be destroyed in a moment. Woe to you, who reject the priceless inheritance of their fathers and follow idols. You will not find peace.”
100:6,7-9. “Woe to you, hard-hearted ones, who keep watch for evil! You will be filled with fear, and there will be no helper. Woe to you, sinners, for what your mouths say and what your hands do and what your injustices have done. You too will burn in a flame worse than fire. Know that the Most High will ask the angels in heaven, the sun, the moon and the stars, about your sins, because you judged the righteous on earth. Every cloud, snow, dew and rain will be called to bear witness against you. They will not be rained down on you because they know your sins!”
102:7. “Listen, sinners! You are content with eating, drinking, committing sins, stealing and robbing others, and getting rich and seeing good days. Have you considered what the end of the righteous is? They will not be wronged until the day of death.”
103:1-3. “By the Most High and Mighty, I swear to you, O just ones! I have understood a mystery. I have read the tablets of heaven. I have seen the holy books. I have seen what is written for you. It was written for those for whom all goodness and joy and humility are prepared. It was written for the souls of those who die in righteousness. You will find abundant goodness and blessing in return for what you have done. The souls of those who die in righteousness will live and rejoice. Your souls and the memory of your souls will never die before the Most High, to all generations of the world. Why should you fear the mistreatment of sinners?”
104:3,4,5,6,7,9,10. “Be hopeful! Do not lose hope, for you will have great joy, as the joy of the angels in heaven. You will not have to hide yourself on the great day of judgment. And you will not be found a sinner, and eternal judgment will be far from you to all generations of the world. When you see sinners growing strong and doing well, do not fear, O righteous ones! Do not be friends with them, stay away from their oppression, for you will be friends with the congregations of heaven! Sinners say, “Not all our sins will be discovered and written down,” but their sins are recorded daily! Now I show you the light and the darkness, the day and the night; see all your sins. Do not be evil in your hearts. Do not lie, do not speak shamelessly. Do not deny the Most High God and turn to idols. Your lies and unbelief are not based on justice, but on great sin. Now I know this mystery, that sinners will change and pervert the words of justice in many ways. They will speak in their wickedness, they will speak lies, they will produce great deceit. They will publish the books of their own government. When they write my words in their own language, they will write honestly, without changing or diminishing any of the things I have told them, from beginning to end, of all that I have testified. I know another secret: the just and the wise will be given books, and they will be a source of joy, virtue, and great wisdom. Yes, the just will be given books, and they will believe in them and rejoice in them. The just who learn all the ways of righteousness from those books will receive their reward.”
These thoughts are compatible with Islam. Because according to the Islamic belief, the righteous and the just will live in peace and comfort in this world and the hereafter. Sinners will be restless and will be tormented both in this world and in the hereafter. Allah Almighty inspired Islamic scholars to write many books. These books have played an important role in showing people the right path. For this reason, knowledge is a very important quality for Islam. From what has been explained above, it is understood why the Jewish clergy were disturbed by the book of Enoch. Because this book describes how bad the end of the oppressors will be. Some of the Jewish clergy, even today, are disturbed by the information in this book because they are busy with oppression. That's why they chose to lose this book and to burn. They have deduced it from the Old Testament. But today, this truth has come before them again.
Hazrat Idris and Enoch Based on the details of what is narrated in the book of Enoch and the history of the prophets, some Islamic scholars have suggested that Enoch could be the Prophet Hazrat Idris (pbuh). Islamic scholars have expressed the following information about Hazrat Idris. Hazrat Idris is narrated in the Quran in the 56th and 57th verses of the Surah Maryam: “And mention Idris in the Book, for he is a truthful prophet. We raised him to a high place.” (Maryam, 19/56,57) That high place is the fourth heaven. Because according to the Miraj Hadith, Our Prophet (pbuh) saw Hazrat Adam in the first heaven, Yahya and Jesus in the second heaven, Yusuf in the third heaven, Idris in the fourth heaven, Harun in the fifth heaven, Musa in the sixth heaven, and Ibrahim in the seventh heaven. In Ahmet Cevdet Pasha’s book “Kýsas-ý Enbiyâ ve Tevarih-i Khulafa” the following is written about Hazrat Idris: “After the death of Hazrat Adam, prophethood came to his son Seth and 50 pages were revealed to him by God. He is the one who initially built the Kaaba from stone. After Hazrat Seth, prophethood came to Idris and 30 pages were revealed to him. He is the one who initially wrote with a pen and sewed clothes. Before him, the sons of Adam wore animal skins. The secrets of the heavens were revealed to Idris (peace be upon him). Finally, God Almighty raised him to the sky while he was alive. After Idris was raised to the sky, the sons of Adam deviated from the right path and began to worship idols. God Almighty sent Noah (peace be upon him) to them. As Noah (peace be upon him) advised his people, they would turn to him, torment him, insult him and mock him. Finally, he became despondent and cursed them. His prayer was accepted and God asked him to build an ark. The flood covered everywhere, the water overflowed the mountains. All the people and animals on earth perished. Only those in Noah's ark were saved." There is a parallelism between what is narrated in the book of Enoch and what the Islamic scholars said about Idris. For this reason, it has been thought that Enoch is Idris (peace be upon him). Enoch’s ascension to heaven is not only in the Torah but also in the Bible: “By faith Enoch was taken up, that he should not taste death. No one could find him, for God had taken him up. Before he was taken up, it was testified that he was pleasing to God.” (Hebrews 11:5) Based on the information in the Torah, Enoch is considered the seventh generation of Adam’s lineage and the grandfather of Noah. Enoch’s lineage is described in detail in the fifth chapter of Genesis. “Adam became the father of Seth; Seth became the father of Enosh; Enosh became the father of Canaan; Canaan became the father of Mahalalel; Mahalalel became the father of Jared: Jared became the father of Enoch. Thus Enoch became the seventh generation of Seth’s lineage after Adam. Enoch walked with God 300 years and lived 365 years in all. Then God took him to himself.” (Genesis 5:22) Enoch has appeared with different names in the cultures of different civilizations. While there are researchers who identify him with the name of Hermes, one of the ancient Greek scholars, there are also those who associate Enoch's name with Thoth, the Egyptian god of wisdom. Because there are narrations that Prophet Idris was born in Egypt. Considering this information and what is written in the holy texts, it can be thought that the persons named Enoch in the Torah and Idris in the Quran are the same person. However, Enoch's book is not the source of all divine books as some claim or think. Allah Almighty gave books to some of his prophets and the first prophet to be given a book was Adam. Later, certain pages were given to his children and grandchildren. Hazrat Idris is one of them. He was given 30 pages. However, it is not clear which of these 30 pages of information are in Enoch's book. There are statements in Enoch's book that are compatible with Islam. Are these the pages given to Hazrat Idris? This is not clear. Because the book of Enoch has been distorted by many people and un-Islamic additions have been made. These wrong additions make it impossible for it to be a divine book. However, it can be thought that some of the truths expressed in the book are the same as the information in the pages given to Hazrat Idris. However, since this correct information did not suit the deviant religious figures of that time, Enoch's book was both distorted and lost over time. Thus, the deviant religious figures thought that they were saved from Allah's threats for a while. But this is not possible. Because they cannot escape Allah's punishment by distorting and losing Allah's commands. Because Allah's sunnah is the same for every period. Every criminal will definitely suffer the punishment for the crime he committed. Some Islamic scholars have also compiled a lot of information about the structure of Hazrat Idris' name and his personality and lifestyle. According to this information, the word Idris comes from the root "DRS", which means education and training. This prophet is given this name The wisdom behind its use is to draw attention to the fact that he was a person who read the book of Allah a lot and to encourage others to be like him. According to Baydawi, there are also those who say that this name is directly of Arabic origin and that Hazrat Idris took this name to indicate that he was a person who read a lot of books. Many famous religious scholars such as Zamahshari, Qadi Baydawi, Alusi have pointed out that although the word Idris is not Arabic, it may have been used in the sense of education and teaching in the language to which it is related, and that Hazrat Idris may have taken this name, which has the same meaning in Arabic. In the interpretation of verse 56 of Surah Maryam by Baghavi and Alusi, it is stated that he was the first person to use a pen and write after Hazrat Adam, the first person to think about astronomy and mathematics, the first person to invent sewing clothes and wear stitched clothes, even though people wore animal skins before him, and that he was sent a 30-page book by Allah, and if the relationships between the names of other prophets and their lives are also remembered, it is most reasonable to accept that the name Idris means someone who researches, reads, learns knowledge, in short, someone who does important work in the field of knowledge and education. According to what Alusi narrated from some scholars, Hazrat Idris' father was also a person who was knowledgeable about the sciences of the day that he learned from his own father. In addition to the information he learned from the pages that were sent down to Hazrat Adam, he learned astronomy, astrology and other sciences and taught these to his son Idris. In addition, after Hazrat Idris became a prophet at the age of 40, he was given a 30-page book and became the greatest scholar of his time. Hazrat Idris, who is said to have been born in Egypt, traveled extensively and conveyed the commands of Allah to people. There is certainly some wisdom in the names of other prophets. However, the relationship between the word Idris and the book is very clear. The expression “We raised him to a high place”, as it is stated in some hadith narrations, indicates that he was raised to the heavens or paradise. In addition to the 30 pages sent down to him, Hazrat Idris also carried the pages of Hazrat Adam and Hazrat Seth on his heart. His pages contained information on celestial secrets, spiritual beings, methods of government, and the characteristics of beings. All of these make us think that the person named Enoch in the book of Enoch may be the same person as Hazrat Idris. However, the things mentioned in the book of Enoch are not entirely of divine origin, and a large part of them are parts that people have added with their own thoughts and dreams. For this reason, it is a great nonsense for some circles to claim that this book is the first of all religious books and to think that it is possible to rule people symbolically by obtaining some secret information from it. Today, the book of Enoch can partially express a truth, but on the other hand, it is a clear example of how ancient clergymen distorted divine information.
Esoteric Movements and Enoch's Book One of the most important historical figures that esoteric movements focus on and base their research on is undoubtedly Enoch. Enoch has great importance especially in organizations such as Masonry and Kabbalism, and this figure has been influential in the formation of teachings and symbols. There are many allegorical (symbolic) language expressions in the book of Enoch. People who think that there are some secrets behind these symbols have wanted to use them. Masons, in particular, think of dominating the world by discovering the powers in these symbols. The same idea is also present in Zionists. Do these symbols really have a divine reality? Or are they things created by people's imagination? In reality, symbolic expressions are also present in the Ledunian science. However, to what extent are the symbols in the book of Enoch expressed according to Ledunian science? It is necessary to be suspicious about this issue. Because all esoteric movements, especially the Masons and Kabbalists, have not been able to dominate the world and people with these symbols in the past. In addition, the symbols of Ledunian science can be effective if Allah permits. Do esoteric movements have such permission from Allah? We do not know the answer to this. However, we do not think that Allah has given permission to the Zionists in this regard. Because the Zionists have been oppressors in the world throughout history and continue to do so. Allah does not love oppressors. Therefore, people tire themselves in vain on this issue. In order to obtain the true Ledunian science, it is necessary to be a person of Islamic Sufism. This is achieved as a result of a long education. Today no perfect masters who will give this education is known in public. Therefore, people are tiring themselves in vain. Today, Jewish Masonic symbols are placed in all Islamic temples, mosques and shrines in the world. In this way, they think that they will destroy the spiritual world and power of Muslims. These are of no use to them. The Jews are struggling in vain on this issue. The spiritual powers of Muslims are in the hands of Allah's officials. However, they cannot use these powers without Allah's permission. One day, these powers will be used and Islam will once again dominate the world. Jews, masons, and Zionists cannot even hold the dust of these powers in their hands. They are only deceiving themselves. In the end, the victors will be the friends of Allah. This is Allah's good news and promise to Muslims. This issue is expressed in the following verse. "Whoever takes Allah, His Messenger, and those who believe as their friends, (let it be known well) those who are on the side of Allah will surely be victorious." (Al-Maidah, 5/56)
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The Book of Enoch |
Publishing Date: 04.02.2025 |